Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy new year 여러분 ~

Dear blog,

Today was the last day of the 1st semester of school. The exams are on the way so I should start studying ..

But today I almost died from laughing too much .. (just kidding) .. Why?
Ask my classmates .. Hahaha ..
It is because of them . They are soooooooo funny ..
I like being with them ..

Ahhh I will not see them for a month .. I'll miss them .. T___T

Oh ! I almost forget ..


새해 복 많이 많이 받으세요

See u again in 2013 ..
Study hard everyone

파이팅 여러분 ~

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

It's my birthday !!!

Dear blog,

Today is my birthday !! I'm soooo Happy !! I still can't believe that I'm 17 years old now .. Wow that's.....


Also, as u know, I LOVE MY FRIENDS . They are the best friends in my life .. I just love and adore them ( and my teacher who gave me my nickname "kakashi" ) .. God bless them all ..
I didn't expect to get a lot of gifts today ..
I'm sooo thankful to everyone who was in my life in this year..

To my dear friends and classmates:
Thank you for making 2012 a wonderful year to me .. I really had great memories with u all .. And 

I'll never forget the memories that we had with our English teacher <hehehe ^___^ > ..

Thank you 2012
Welcome 2013


I LOVE YOU ALL <3 <3 <3 <3

Friday, December 21, 2012

My birthday cake !!

Dear blog,

I Just want to show you my birthday cake !!! Well my birthday is on 25th of this month (Tuesday) but I bought the cake yesterday because my sister study in Muscat and she only visits us every weekend ..
And that is why ..

Here's some pictures of my birthday cake .. I told the bakery to draw in it Kakashi's face but it wasn't exactly right ..

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Seriously ...!

Dear blog,

I'm extremely tired !! I just want to sleep but for the sake of you ,I'm taking some of my time to write on You <3 <3 <3

so today I.................... Seriously I don't know what to write ! well nothing special happened in the school . We studied and I had some fun with the class and and.... I talked to my teacher !! <3 
Ah! the weather today was soooo cold but it didn't rain T___T I hope tomorrow will rain . 

These days I've been crazy about crafting and paper art . I made a lot of these " I Love you" card for my friends and I made one for our homeroom teacher but it seems like that I'm not going to give it to her ( I don't have the courage XD ) I'm also eager to learn how to knit because it seems so much fun and also to make a lot of scarfs for my friends and me ^___^ 

and and and my birthday is in its way !!!( 6 days left ) .. I decided to make a " Kakashi " cake for my birthday ,It'll be sooo cute    !! Can't wait for it .. just want to go to Daiso and buy all my birthday things there  .. I'm in love with this store <3

" Lovey dovey dovey oh oh oh oh ~!! " 

Friday, December 14, 2012

"My universe will never be the same..."

Dear blog,

Sorry for the random title XD .. I'm listening to Glad you came by The wanted .. such a great song " I'm glad you came ~ ~ "

so I just came back from my friend's birthday .. It was fabulous !
I like it .. I saw some of my classmates there .They were DIFFERENT with casual clothes ..
I wish if my whole class was there, It'll be exciting  -_____-

Talking about birthdays, I'm thinking about making a Kakashi cake !! It'll be AWESOME !!
also I'm thinking about giving some candies to my class .. 
iuglkjgbfhjn I can't wait for it !!! ^o^

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

. . . .

Dear blog,

I had a stomachache today in the school and I'm still having it . It hurts so much .. tomorrow I have a physics exam and I can't focus on my studying because of it T____T
also today I had an exam in Arabic and it was super easy ~! hope to get the full mark !

I want to do something for my class tomorrow since it is 12/12/2012 . It's a very special day soooo...  I'm thinking right now about it ( My stomachache is not helping me at all T___T ) ..

well, I gotta go to study physics now .. Wish me luck ^___^ ~!!

P.S.: I can't wait for my birthday !!!! ^__^

Friday, December 7, 2012

My cake pops !!

Dear blog,

Today is the last day of the weekend ..
I was planning to study in it but I didn't .. (yay good for me .. WTF ?)
I just hate studying .. It is really boring ..
Whenever I try to study, I start  day dreaming for a long period ..
*sigh* I'll try to study in the future .. إن شاء الله 

Well, as I planned before , I made CAKE POPS !!
I'm so proud to myself ^_____^
It was really hard to make cake pops .. Actually, decorating them was the hard part >__<
But with practice, It'll be easy ..

Soooo ... These are the cake pops that I made !! They are soooo delicious <3

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Happy Weekend (─‿‿─) !!

Dear blog,

OMG !! I don't know how to describe today !
Well,today I was soo happy because...
Ahhhhhhh I can't help but smile when I remember it .. >___<
if you were one of my friends, you'll know what I'm talking about .. ^O^

And ......
Yesss finally !! My teacher called me "Kakashi" today !! I'm soooo happy because it's been a while since she called me " kakashi " but unfortunately I didn't hear it ..(how did I know? my friend told me) T______T
Well at least she called me "kakashi" ^_^ I really missed hearing it from her ..

today is the WEEKEND !!! yayyy !! 
what should I do in it ???
well I guess that I'll study and study and study more !
I'm also going to bake some cake pops for my friend's birthday ! I'm really excited ..! I'm gonna try to make like these 


Sunday, December 2, 2012

The FINAL exams are COMING !! 세상에~

Dear blog,

as you know,It's my final year in school which means that I should work really really really hard !
I have... no, I MUST get a high average !! and the final exams are on their way T__T .. I have to be calm and relaxed so that I can organize my days   ..
and now a I have a lot of quizzes !!!! Tomorrow I have a quiz in Islamic studies and Math !! this week and the next one is full of

Friday, November 30, 2012

Omo it's raining !!

Omo omo omo omo ..
It's raining !!! Finally ! But it is not that Much ..
The weather is soooo nice !! The lovely breeze with B1A4's new song make the weather perfect ..
I wish if ...

My trip to DUBAI ! 대박 !

Dear blog, 

Sorry for not writing again .. I was tired from the trip ..
As you know , this Wednesday me and my family went to Dubai and it was full of fun !!! It was a great trip that I will never forget ..
Well, our first destination was The Dubai mall ..

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Feeling LAZY >__<

Dear blog,

*sigh* …
Today was soooo boring .. Nothing special happened ..
I really miss school .. I miss my friends .. T____T
But !!!
I’m excited because tomorrow we will go to DUBAI !!! It’s been a while since me and my family went to it ..
We will go to Dubai mall to buy MANGAs !! In Kinokuniya bookshop .. Also we will go to the global village .. I’m so excited .. I hope that the Korean village is complete because they opened it last month Soooo I hope to find in it some Korean food 한식 ^___^ ..
I’ll post everything that I will buy tomorrow ..
So now I gotta go to sleep, it’s 11:51 pm . I have to wake up early .. .
GOOD NIGHT 잘자요 여러분 ~ ^___^

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Long time no see my blog ~

Dear blog,

It’s been a while since I wrote in u
.. I’m sooo sorry . I was too busy with school ..
Anyway .. Today was the last day of school for this week because tomorrow is the national day’s holiday so we don’t have school !!

Ahhhhhh I LOVE MY CLASSMATES !! they are the BEST friends that I ever met in my life !! They r sooo funny, kind, friendly and CRAZY ( that’s why I LOVE AND ADORE THEM ) ^____^ …
God bless them all ..

Sunday, October 14, 2012

너무 너무 happy !!

Dear blog,

Sorry for not writing yesterday #__#
But gusse what?
I’ve got the full mark in the writting test !! I’m sooooo happy .. And the teacher’s commetns made me happier .. She wrote on my paper ,” ….. I’m happy to have you in my class ,” .. I was like T____T …
But she was so angry at us , I don’t know why  ..
Anyway, tomorow is my presentation – I hope so -  and my topic will be about Southeast asia ..
I’m soooo excited !!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Sooo tired !

Dear blog,
Today is the last day of the weekend .. Ahhh I’m sooo tired .. I’ve been doing my home works ..
I don’t know what’s wrong with me ! I’ve never loved school as much as I love it now ..
I want to go to school just to see her .. I feel so happy when I think about school ! AHHHH WHAT’S WRONG WITH ME …!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

It hurts T__T

Dear blog,
Today was one of the best days in my life ..! Today in school our teacher gave me a nickname which is “Kakashi” ! It is soooo cute (yeah he is the one from naruto ) .. Ahhhhhh I’m sooooo HAPPY even though my stomach is hurting me \T_T/ …
And yeah It is the weekend ! Woohoo !! ( My stomach is hurting me again ) …
.. 너무 피곤해
… I’m so tired & sleepy .. Gotta go to sleep ..

Yay ~!!! My own BLOG !!


I just created my blog !!! Wooow !! .. !!!

I’m happy & excited ..!!
I’m gonna write on it everyday .. (I hope so )
Sooo yeah ..
I should sleep now .. It’s 9:57 pm and tomorow is another day of school ..!!
.. ^____^
Goodnight ~ 잘자 여러분